Hello. My name is Alina.

I am an artist currently residing in Nashville.  I have lived and worked in Nashville for little over 13 years now, during which time I have discovered many interests I am passionate about most personal and rewarding is - painting. 

Working in an art environment, at the Frist Art Museum, have greatly inspired me in many ways.

Skye is a self chosen name, which I have intentionally chosen for myself. 

It represents the sky and heavens above, vast and ever-changing. It came to me when I allowed myself to accept that there are as many opportunities as they are stars in the sky; through the process of soul searching, letting go of fears and doubts –self-made limitations. 

From that liberating process new ideas and dreams were born, and so did Alina Skye.

When I started painting it wasn’t out of casual interest or to adopt a new hobby, it came from an intense desire to somehow project all the various emotions and feelings I was experiencing at that time. I needed an outlet for my creativity. Somehow I wanted to convey my personal experience of life through art. 

My influences are everything I see, feel and experience as well as the things that I’ve come to understand along the way.  My artwork is deeply personal and rewarding to me.  Through art I hope to transform a simple perception into something deeper. Symbolism is used to convey ideas that are sometimes overlooked in our everyday busy lives. I hope to inspire others to look at ourselves as more than just a mere physical body, but to uncover the beautiful immortality of spirit that is hidden within us all.

“From gratitude and deep appreciation of the remarkable miracle of being alive, I strive to live each day with intentional love.”

Alina lives, works and creates from Nashville, Tennessee and is available for custom projects and commissions.